Source Themes

NEW: Post-Doctoral Fellowship opening to work on applied causal inference under the direction of Dr. Elizabeth Stuart!

Propensity score methods for observational studies with clustered data: A review

Propensity score methods are a popular approach to mitigating confounding bias when estimating causal effects in observational studies. When study units are clustered (eg, patients nested within health systems), additional challenges arise such as …

Modeling to inform economy-wide pandemic policy: Bringing epidemiologists and economists together

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers have been tasked with designing and implementing policies in the face of extraordinary uncertainty (Manski, 1999) and stark tradeoffs between public health and other measures of human well-being. …

In-person schooling and associated COVID-19 risk in the United States over Spring Semester 2021

Science Advances.

Effects of state opioid prescribing laws on use of opioid and other pain treatments among commercially insured U.S. adults.

Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (2019). First published: 07 June 2019.